


Arduino IDE(gb.display.textWrap変数の使い方)


 このプログラムを実行するとsetup関数中のgb.begin関数でGamebuinoオブジェクトを初期化し、gb.titleScreen関数で画面に「Conway's game of life」と表示します。

#include <SPI.h>#include <Gamebuino.h>
Gamebuino gb;
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define SX 64
#define SY 32
byte buffer[SX * SY / 8];
unsigned int pop = 0;
unsigned int prevPop = 0;
byte resetCounter = 0;
unsigned int gen = 0;
byte graphCursor = 0;

void setup() {
  gb.titleScreen(F("Conway's game of life"));

void loop() {
  if (gb.update()) {
    if (gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) {
      gb.titleScreen(F("Conway's game of life"));

    for (byte x = 0; x < SX; x++) {
      for (byte y = 0; y < SY; y++) {
        byte count = 0;
        if (getCell(x - 1,          (y - 1 + SY) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell(x,            (y - 1 + SY) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell((x + 1) % SX,     (y - 1 + SY) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell((x + 1) % SX,      y))   count++;
        if (getCell((x + 1) % SX,     (y + 1) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell(x,            (y + 1) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell((x - 1 + SX) % SX,  (y + 1) % SY)) count++;
        if (getCell((x - 1 + SX) % SX,   y))   count++;
        byte cell = getCell(x, y);
        if ( cell ) { //if there is a cell
          if ( (count < 2) || (count > 3) ) { //and more than 3 neighbors or less than 2
            gb.display.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1);
            gb.display.setColor(BLACK, WHITE);
        else { //if there is no cell
          if (count == 3) { //and 3 neighbors
            gb.display.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1);
          else { //randomly add new cells if there is enough light
            if ((count == 2) && (gb.backlight.ambientLight > 950) && !(random() % 64)) {
              gb.display.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1);
            else {
              if ((count == 2) && (gb.backlight.ambientLight > 900) && !(random() % 128)) {
                gb.display.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1);
    for (byte x = 0; x < SX; x++) {
      for (byte y = 0; y < SY; y++) {
        setCell(x, y, gb.display.getPixel(x + 1, y + 1));
    if (gb.frameCount % 6) {
      if (prevPop == pop) {
        if (resetCounter > 4) {
          gb.display.setColor(BLACK, WHITE);
          gb.display.cursorX = 38;
          gb.display.cursorY = 36;
          gb.display.cursorX = 38;
          gb.display.cursorY = 36 + gb.display.fontHeight;
      else {
        resetCounter = 0;
      prevPop = pop;
    gb.display.textWrap = false;
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.cursorY = 2;
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.println(" ");
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.cursorY += 2;
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.cursorY += 2;
    gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH - 4 * gb.display.fontWidth;
    gb.display.print(F("\17")); //sun logo
    if (gb.backlight.ambientLight > 900)
      gb.display.print(F(" "));
    if (gb.backlight.ambientLight > 950)
      gb.display.print(F(" "));
    gb.display.drawFastVLine(graphCursor, 34, 14);
    gb.display.setColor(BLACK, WHITE);
    gb.display.drawFastVLine(graphCursor + 1, 34, 14);
    gb.display.drawPixel(graphCursor, LCDHEIGHT - (pop / 32) % 16);
    if (graphCursor > SX) graphCursor = 0;

void setCell(byte x, byte y, boolean state) {
  if (state)
    buffer[x + (y / 8) * SX] |= _BV(y % 8);
    buffer[x + (y / 8) * SX] &= ~_BV(y % 8);

byte getCell(byte x, byte y) {
  return (buffer[x + (y / 8) * SX] >> (y % 8)) & 0x1;

void reset() { = false;
  gb.display.persistence = true;
  pop = 0;
  gen = 0;
  graphCursor = 0;
  gb.display.drawRect(0, 0, SX + 2, SY + 2);
  for (byte x = 0; x < SX; x++) {
    for (byte y = 0; y < SY; y++) {
      if (!(random() % 4)) {
        setCell(x, y, true);
        gb.display.drawPixel(x + 1, y + 1);
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